What is in my soil?

What is in my soil?

Have you ever picked up a handful of garden soil and marveled at the unseen world it holds? The ground beneath our feet is teeming with a plethora of microorganisms, each playing a unique role in the intricate dance of nature.

1 Teaspoon of good soil contains:

  • 10,000 to 100,000 cells of algae
  • 100 million to 1 billion bacteria
  • several yards of fungal hyphae
  • About 40 Nematodes: 20 bacteria eating nematodes+ 20 fungal feeding nematodes

1 Acre of good soil contains:

  • 2-3 million earthworms
  • 133 pounds of protozoa
  • 900 pounds of earthworms
  • 900 pounds of arthropods
  • 900 pounds of algae
  • 2000 pounds of bacteria
  • 2400 lbs of fungi

The Soil Food Web

The magic lies in the soil food web, where microorganisms and insects interact in harmony. Algae, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, earthworms, protozoa, and arthropods—all interconnected and dependent on each other. This web ensures the soil remains fertile and supports plant growth.

Impact of Inorganic Fertilizers and Herbicides

However, this intricate balance is easily disrupted. The use of inorganic fertilizers and herbicides, though intended to boost plant growth and protect against pests, can wreak havoc. Inorganic fertilizers, with their high salt content, irritate earthworms and harm beneficial microbes. The consequences are dire—the soil becomes sterile.

Maintaining Soil Balance

To avoid this ecological catastrophe, understanding the role of beneficial fungi and protozoa is crucial. These microorganisms act as nature’s pest control, keeping harmful fungi in check. Equally important is the bacterial slime that helps soil retain moisture and nutrients. When these elements are missing, you’ll find yourself compensating with more water and fertilizers, perpetuating a harmful cycle.


In conclusion, our soil is a vibrant ecosystem that thrives on balance. Knowing what’s in your soil empowers you to make informed decisions, fostering a healthier environment for your plants. Let’s embrace the richness beneath our feet and strive to preserve the delicate harmony of the soil food web.

Discover the hidden world beneath your feet! A teaspoon of soil teems with life – from bacteria to nematodes. Nurture your soil’s ecosystem for a lush garden. Say no to harmful chemicals and join us at EcoLawn for sustainable, thriving lawns. Visit ECO Lawn Utah now!